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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Without Christ I am nothing!

There are as many downs as there are ups. But you can decide what you are going to do about your downs. While I was lying down on my study’s floor, feeling very sorry for myself, the Holy Spirit spoke to me. "Retha, Retha, Retha, you know the truth my child. I told you, the closer you come to My fire, spreading the fire and the light of God, the greater the attacks will be.” Satan hates it when we give everything to God and trust in Him and stand steadfast in faith. It started when the kids and myself were on holiday last week. The first night a man fell of his motorbike in front of our holiday home, went into a coma and I had to help him. I relived our accident. After a time the man passed away. The next night Aldo did not sleep at all and on the third night he had a very very bad epileptic attack. While I was helping him, Satan kept on telling me that Aldo wouldn’t live but die.It was a spiritual fight, because I kept praying the blood of Jesus over us. For the next few days my spirit was still and I was fully aware that this was an attack from the enemy. Back home, we took him to the doctor, and there I hit the bottom. On my floor I realized how broken I was, what little power I had left. But it was then that GOD spoke to me. "It is not your strength that I need, it is Mine, it is not your power I need, but My resurrective power. Not by might, nor by power, but by My Spirit says the Lord." It was a good thing for me to be aware yet again, that it is not me, but His Spirit in me. Without Christ I am nothing. Our book (A Message from God) will be printed in 2 weeks’ time. That is another reason for the enemy to be up in arms. Praise God for trials. I know, what God started He will finish. This bad experience was actually good for me. I realized that the moment that I took my eyes off God and focussed on a bad report, I fell! God’s power overrides any bad report!!! Our God can do anything. I opened my spiritual eyes and saw God’s mercy again. Lamentations 3:22-23: “ God’s mercies are new every morning.

We can start over at this very moment and trust in God, not in people!!!! “I love You Lord and thank You for Your Mercy and grace over us.” God says…WE CAN EXPECT BETTER TOMORROWS, WHEN WE TRUST IN HIM AND HIM ALONE!!!! I was on the airplane on my way to Kimberly, where I would have spoken the following day (No no, not me, His spirit!!!!!! I cannot do anything on my own).

I cried to the Lord on the floor that night when I was so down: "Lord, how can You use me, just look at me!!!"

The Lord replied: "I came for the sick!!! for those who need Me. Stand up, let Me work through you”.

Remain blessed


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