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Unconditional love

For a long time now, I could only answer with difficulty, should they ask me how Aldo was. Reason being, it goes well, but I wanted it to be even better. For the first time in months I can say it goes very, very well! Yes, he is still not the same as he was before the accident, but God’s grace is shining over us. He is lucid and he has already laughed twice as he used to laugh before. For the past nineteen months he could only screech when he laughed. But this week he laughed twice!!

I am practicing today and one question repeats itself over and over in my mind: “When God, When?” God chides me: “Your dream is My dream, and it is in process at this moment. Take the best out of each day, do your part and don’t try to do My part as well. There is a perfect time, and it is my time.” “Honor Me by trusting Me with your life, while you are on this road, I want you to enjoy the road, do not complain, enjoy every moment. Look around and see the miracles I am doing in your life. Retha, I always want to be your first love. To live and live in abundance is My gift to you!”

Lord I just want to humble myself under Your mighty hand. Even if the pain it involves to offer something to you that is so very special to me, gets too much sometimes. I know today that the reward will be much bigger than the pain and will be worth it. Thank you God that we are winners in You and never losers because the Truth sets us free. I go to sleep with the thought that “God is love.”

And only that, which is of love, is love!


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