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It is a Saturday night and I am at Mmabathu Sun in Botswana were I did a talk today. I am speaking in during a church service tomorrow morning.

The nights without my family are difficult. I do realize that this is my price to pay. But it is also “a night with the King!“. I do some work on the internet, but can’t wait to spend time with the King! I have an intimate love relationship with Him, yes, intimate! That is what life is about: time with the King! Intimacy with the King!

When last have you given Him your best time? Not the last 5 minutes of your day. Your best time! I was not used to this, until I met Him. Now I can’t wait to spend time with Him. You see, I love Him. He is all I have. He is my life. When people come close to me, it is because they love Him too. So many times I wish people will understand my love for Him and that they might love Him the same way I do.

Tonight God spoke to me and said, “I want you to love them the way I love you! You must change, not them. I am in you, so you change and love them perfectly!“

“Lord, Lord! That is not easy.”

“Well, it is easy for Me to accept you just the way you are, so now you go and accept others just the way they are. Love them, like I love you!”


“I will give you grace, just go and give yourself to them.”

Aldo is living a life of his own, I see him pray and talk to the Lord constantly. For most people this is strange, but I believe with all my life that God is busy preparing him for big things. I can see Tinus sometimes gets confused, but we don’t need to understand God’s ways. We just need to trust Him! Aldo fell over chairs in front of the whole school at Josh’s concert, where he needs to keep his pose, but what can I do? I can simply trust God that He is working with my son. Tinus gets frustrated: “You have to get this right, Aldo! Everybody is looking at you!”

I have no words, only tears. This is my life. Not perfect, but a real life. Yes, everybody is looking, but nobody’s life is perfect! Is it? I wish I could protect him from falling, from the world, but I cannot. I look at you, while you are staring at him. How I wish this is not true, but it is my life.

I just got over my jetlag from my trip to America and have already started working on the next trip in 3 weeks’ time. God said that this message will go all around the world! I did not understand how, but today I am standing in awe of how God is opening the doors.

For me to pay all the cost is just too much, but God did so many miracles in my life that nothing is going to take my faith away!

Time with the King now. I phoned and Aldo is asleep. Josh says, “I love you Mommy” and Tinus says, “can’t wait to see you”. Now I am at peace and can enjoy the King’s presence tonight.

Remain blessed


I love you my Lord my King! Thank you for this road.

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