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Help me to be controlled by Your

If you are not growing……you are dying! Fear not!!!! The devil is a liar and the father of all lies. He tries to deceive us into fear so that we will not be bold enough to be obedient to the Lord and reap the blessings that God has in store for us. The Lord continues to encourage us as a family to perservere despite everything that lies before us … To do what He is tells us to do. "ONLY BELIEVE". He knows the great blessings that awaits us on the other side. But it requires COURAGE and OBEDIENCE. In Gen.12:1 God said to Abraham to pack up and go...out of his comfort zone. If Abraham had bowed his knee to fear, he would never have received his great reward. We can miss all that God has planned for us, if we surrender to fear and unbelief!!!! There is power in God’s Word to help us walk in faith every day. Aldo was very tired last night and hit his head; we had to take him for stitches. When I saw the blood, I was so scared!!! The Holy Spirit said clearly to me." Pray about everything, and fear nothing" (Isaiah 41:10: “Fear not, for I am with you”). Sometimes get afraid because we only stare at our circumstances. It is a mistake…. we should rather focus on God. The more we focus on the problem with our eyes and words, the bigger it becomes. God is able to handle anything that we cannot handle! Father, You have promised to strengthen us, to harden us to difficulties, and to hold our hand with Your powerful right hand. I know You understand my heart, but please help me not to be controlled by fear... but by Your Word and Your love for us. Everything falls back in place when we surrender it all to Him, and believe! The first step you take in "believing"…brings the anointing. The Lord has promised to be with us and keep us safe even when we go through trials of different kinds. It will not overwhelm us! The cure for fear is faith. When fear knocks on your door, answer it with faith. And prayer stirs up faith. Remember….you cannot have faith, if you do not combine it with prayer! Overcome fear with faith-filled prayer!!!!

Remain blessed Retha

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