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Back from America and thankful that we serve a living God!

Three and a half years ago, I stood in front of Aldo’s bed in ICU.

God spoke to me then and said: “This is a story to be told and told again, you will go all over the world and tell them about this miracle and that Jesus is alive.”

I had no idea that this would ever be possible, because I could not see in the flesh the reality of it all. I thought, “… we are in Africa, how will this ever be possible?“

As I sat in the chair on the Harvest Show, I was already planning my next trip to America in three weeks’ time: the next TV show and places where I am going to speak… I realize, Jesus is alive!

I arrived at Oliver Tambo International Airport, South Africa where my family waited for me.

I watched Aldo and saw how wonderful he looked. I can see how God is healing him, while I am doing what He asked me to do.

Josh turned 6 while I was away. That was a price to pay, but no price is too big for the King!

God said to me, ”Go and build my house, I will heal your son. Let your focus be on Me and not on his healing!”

For three years I spoke for 7 days a week in our country about our miracle and how Jesus wants all of us to give Him our lives. I knew that I had to be faithful to God’s instructions.

It was not about me anymore, only about God.

Before God can send you on a major mission, He gives you the opportunity to prove that you can be trusted with small instructions. Many of us miss that opportunity. We pray, “Lord, what do You want me to do?” and when He replies, it is normally too big a price for us. Don’t make that mistake. Start today by obeying God in the little things. Let Him see that He can trust you out there in a place of much authority. Let Him know you will be faithful to His words and to the Spirit’s voice.

Once He knows that disobedience won’t wipe you out, He will start sending the bigger assignments your way.

Luke 16:10

“He who is faithful in a very little thing, is faithful also in much.”

God is faithful, and what He said, He will do!!!

What He starts, He will finish!

I trust Him for that with all my life.

To all the people I met in the States, thank you for your love and generosity. I know that God sent you on my way. You did not even know me, but loved me and helped me!

And for Living Ball for paying for my ticket – thank you so much!

I can never know how, but God knows everything.

May the harvest be part of your reaping.

God loves us! I cry today because of Gods mercy, His love for you and I.

Thank you Lord Jesus that I can bend my knees for You – to give You thanks and glory, my King.



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