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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

The power of revelation

3 May 2018

The power of revelation

Revelation is one of the most powerful tools in the Kingdom of God. It is revelation that turned my life around, as well as all the followers of Jesus Christ you read about in the Bible.

We need to seek after revelation with all our hearts, pursuing it until Holy Spirit releases unto you the revelation for your situation.

I just love the revelation that Jacob received from God. In Gen 31: 9-13, Jacob testified that he was acting by revelation.

Jacob said to his two wives –Thus God has taken away the flocks of your father and given them to me. And I had a dream at the time the flock conceived. I looked up and saw that the rams which mated with the she-goats were streaked, speckled, and spotted. And the Angel of God said to me in the dream,” Jacob”. And I said,” Here am I”. And He said,” Look up and see, all the rams which mate with the flock are streaked, speckled, and mottled; for I have seen all that Laban does to you.  I am the God of Bethel, where you anointed the pillar and where you vowed a vow to Me. Now arise, get out from this land and return to your native land.” (Gen 31:9-13)

God loves us so much that He is always waiting to release revelation to us – just as He did for Jacob. He wants to do great exploits through us, but our exploits in the Kingdom of God can only be a function of the revelation that God released into our subconscious minds – spirit hearts.

Moses advised Joshua never to take his eyes, his conscious and subconscious mind, off the Word of God. Moses knew that if Joshua would keep his conscious and subconscious mind focused on the Word of God, he will have access to revelations that would turn his life around. As we look at Joshua’s life, we see how he operated from these revelations. He knew who God was and that is why God could do great exploits through him.

Do you have a revelation of who God is?

We need the Word of God in our hearts as a foundation stone to stand and build on. There are markers on our genes that we need to fight. This will only be possible if our hearts and minds are rooted in the Word of God. It is the presence of God’s Word written on our hearts and minds that enables us to overcome through prayer and fasting.

Your state of mind is the womb of your soul. It gives birth today, to that which the generations before you were pregnant with. It is the beliefs that you load into your mind, that sets the standard of what you will eat tomorrow.

What you sow in your mind, you will reap in the flesh.

The good news is that we can change those genes. We need to get our state of mind in line with God’s Word – and then we will be able to override fear with faith, and hate with love. We need to get so anchored into who God is, that we will never doubt Him.

Jacob taught us how to beat the law of nature, to influence white sheep to produce spotted and speckled kids. Jacob understood that what a person or animal hook his eyes upon, allowing it to constantly and regularly dictate to the subconscious mind, that this will influence his genetic system of reproduction positively or negatively. No wonder they say, “You become what you gaze upon”.

Genes are established in the bloodline, but when we expose our eyes and subconscious mind to the Word of God, and make choices according to Gods will – we will see how our own genes will change into the likeness of God. With this revelation Jacob produced enough spotted, speckled and brown cattle out of the white cattle and become exceedingly rich.

You can also take this revelation of Jacob and eat the fruit thereof.

Your faith is the key to the Kingdom power within you that over right any human limitations.

Christ in us – the hope of glory.

“Remember – you become what you gaze upon”.

Speak life into every situation you face. Hook your eyes on the Kingdom above.

I choose to be an overcomer, and to unlock every good thing that God has for us by faith in Him.

Thank you so much for all your prayers, your love and blessings in our lives.

Retah and family.

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