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Stones in life

What makes two unknown people come to the hospital with a little plan especially for Aldo? I asked them if they wanted to see Aldo. They declined on the basis that they respect our privacy and feelings. Thank you Lord! “..that my dear Retha is how we roll away stones for each other.” Sometime it can be the smallest gesture of goodwill that rolls away the biggest stones. I needed to experience God’s love so much and you were obedient.

“God please help me not to focus so much on myself and my circumstances that I fail to bend my back to roll away a stone for somebody else. Open you mouth wide and bless those around you, in that way you will spread joy through their lives.

Aldo’s left pupil was enlarged a lot, but it is shrinking and that is very good news! Blessed are both your eyes Aldo because they will see the glory of God. “Through Your injuries we are healed. The Word of God proclaims that and I believe it and that is the only thing that counts.

Aldo has to adjust daily to the challenges of his life, we have to adjust too, and otherwise we will go under. One of the prerequisites for adapting is a healthy life, even in the midst of your battle. Yesterday is past, today is the day! I am capable of everything through Jesus Christ that empowers me.

Love Retha

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