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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Facing the storm with Jesus

Just before we have to land on the flight back we fly into a storm. “Father, please let me get home safely?” Aldo said he will try to stay awake, but I know he won’t be able to. I miss them so much and I hope they’re still awake when I get home.

My thoughts are busy with the storm around us and it reminds me of the storm that raged through our lives this year. The lightning thundered and water flooded around us, sometimes so high you couldn’t see in front of you, but I know I am safe because I trust in God. This storm won’t go on forever and it’s the same with storms in your life. It definitely encourages me to go on, I know the sun will break through soon and it will spread its warmth again.

When I arrive home it’s quiet and all the lights are off. Tinus awaits me with an umbrella and I don’t even really get wet. I know that Jesus keeps his hand over us, like an umbrella, during the storms in our lives.

I kissed Josh on his cheek and went and sat on Aldo’s bed. His left eye is still halfway open, he can’t see through it. Each night we have to close it and stick it together with a special ointment, Tinus must have forgotten.

While I stare at his eye, I decide to pray for it again, I thought back to the night three weeks ago when Aldo told me that Jesus came and touched his eye. While I’m thinking on it, I remember that the Word says we must thank God for hearing our prayers, directly after asking for something, pray with thanksgiving. I thank God that Aldo can see through his left eye.

Something tells me to close his right eye and stick out my tongue. At first nothing happens for a long time. I decide to get up, suddenly he sticks out his tongue at me. I pull another funny face and he does the same. Aldo can see through both eyes! Thank you, Jesus. Aldo smiles at me and says he is glad that I am back. I am so very excited, his eyes still don’t move simultaneously and the left eye still droops, but he can see through both eyes.

I have to shout with the thunder, Jesus is king! YESTERDAY, TODAY AND TOMORROW, HE STAYS THE SAME!!! Honour to God in the highest heavens and peace on earth for those He loves.

Thank you God that I know that Aldo will be healed completely. Some storms are a bit longer than others, but the sun always shines again. All the honour to my Father.

Love Retha

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