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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Overcome your challenges with having the mind of Christ

1 October 2016

Overcome your challenges with having the mind of Christ

YHVH speaks in His Word about ‘transforming our minds’ because out of the flesh and soul we will never be able to engage into the fullness of God. We need a transformed mind. This is only possible when we live in the heart of the Father, being seated with Him in heavenly places and living our lives from His heart.

From out of this position we can look at our challenges and remember that we are not earth bound, but victorious ‘in Him’. The enemy so badly wants to tell us that we are bound and that we will never be free. This is only true for those who do not overcome their soulish mind-set. You have to be able to see that you are free in Christ and living in His heart. From this dimension you walk by faith and not by sight, you believe His Word and not what you see or experience. You see what He sees and speak what He speaks. The enemy cannot touch you there. He hates that place – the realm of faith!

With everything that happens to us, we are given the opportunity to look at it, think about it, speak about it, and act upon it - all through the mind of Christ. If you do not see yourself and live as one in Christ - you will look at it, speak about it and act upon it as a person in bondage. You are as much in bondage as you believe Satan’s lies. If he can convince you that he is in control of your life and you do not know how to be an overcomer by having the mind of Christ, seated in heavenly places, living out of the Father’s heart – he will be in control of your life for ever. That is his plan.

The more you believe YHVH’s Word, the more you will be victorious. Or you are as bound as much as you believe Satan’s lies. All our experiences are used to motivate us to be overcomers, all through the Blood of The Lamb. The daily challenges we face are our ‘school of the Spirit’ where He teaches us how to overcome by looking only into His eyes, gazing upon Him in heavenly places where we live safely ‘in Him’. There He transforms us into His image and Holy Spirit constantly renews our minds as we live by faith and His principles in His Kingdom and not according to the world and what we see. He gave us His Word and His Spirit to give us all the answers. It is the Spirit of Truth that will lead us into all truth! He will give us the way of escape, the way of victory, the way of faith, confidence and courage to overcome, succeed and fight through everything!

In our walk on earth, YHVH will always call us to overcome something that we are incapable of doing in our own strength. Only if you walk by faith in Him in heavenly places, will you have the strength and ability to overcome. You can quit, or you can get up and ask the Spirit of Truth to lead you. You have to rise above your situation and go through the veil into His heart. Take His Word, get your thinking transformed and allow Holy Spirit to move through you in a supernatural way. He will give you dreams and visions to guide you - you only need to engage and believe them. Or, just simply walk by faith in obedience to Him. Doing what Holy Spirit asks you to do, even if it doesn’t make sense for your flesh!

I look at Joshua and see his big challenge was like most of us – big walls that block you to enter into the fullness of YHVH.

Joshua 6:1-2 And the Lord said unto Joshua, See, I have given into thine hand Jericho, and the king there of, and the mighty men of valour.

He said ‘See - I have given you’…… With his spiritual eyes (eyes of faith) he had to see in the spirit that it was done! In the natural Joshua did not possess Jericho yet, but in the spirit realm the city was already in the possession of the children of Israel. God is no man that He would lie. Joshua, living in the spirit by faith meditated on God’s Word instead of focussing on the walls and the giants which he could see in the natural. He aligned his thoughts with what God thought, he spoke what God spoke and acted upon what God said and he started seeing in the spirit. He saw the walls tumbling and the city becoming his. Therefore, it was not difficult for him to act upon what he saw and believed. To meditate on YHVH’s Word and to stay in a love relationship with Him is the way to meet any challenge.

As we meditate on God’s Word, it enables us to visualize and receive in the natural realm what God has already given to you in the spirit realm. But, if you don’t walk by faith, but by sight, you will never overcome. You will live a defeated life believing that you are bounded forever, or that your children will never be free. NO, those are all lies from Satan. Yeshua has already overcome everything with His Blood! Come on, we need to walk by faith – and that can only be done in the Spirit realm.

As we live ‘in Him’, He gives us a battle plan, to achieve victory. Joshua faced the very thick walls, just as you and I may be faced with a family crisis, sickness, loss or whatever your Jericho may be. But, I am so very excited, because where I live in the spirit; I see a whole different picture. And that can be yours as well, if you choose to live by faith, in Him!

YHVH will always give you Wisdom in every situation and that Wisdom you will only find ‘IN Him’. Not the wisdom from man, but supernatural wisdom. Godly Wisdom will be for those who live in reverential fear in the Father’s heart. You don’t need to beg God, you are His son!

We need to live in the realm of the supernatural, the realm of faith – that is where all your needs will be supernaturally met. As we stay and ‘LIVE in HIM’, we are transformed from the inside to meet all our challenges on the outside. Joshua’s instructions were to walk around the city and with every step of obedience their minds were renewed to the spiritual reality that YHVH has already given them the city and nothing would prevent them. Faith in action!

It only came to pass on the seventh day.

Joshua 6:15-16 And it came to pass at the seventh time, when the priest blew with trumpets (not murmuring) Joshua said unto the people – Shout, for the Lord hath given you the city.

By the seventh time, their hearts exploded with faith and they shouted. This shout of faith and their walk of faith caused those walls to fall down!

Not only did the physical walls fall down, but the walls that prevented them to see with the eyes of their hearts that His promises are true, fell down and their minds were renewed. They could live in heavenly places and act upon what God said, see what He sees and believe what He says.

There is no other way, as in ‘living in Him’ – with all of your being. This means that you are lifted far above your situation and you rule and reign with Yeshua over your situations – all in obedience to Him.

YHVH was preparing Joshua to possess the promised land and He is busy with the same process in me and you.

I bless you my friend to walk by faith – and not by sight!

Whatever I do, I do it in His heart. That is the safest place.

Love to you – Retah and family.

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