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Only the sick will welcome the Physician

Writer's picture: Retah McPhersonRetah McPherson

28 September 2018

Only the sick will welcome the Physician

The depth of the realm of the spirit and what happens in the spirit when we bow down before sin and self-righteousness, is one of the mysteries to man.

It is the work of the Spirit of God to convince man of sin, and until we are convinced of the dark condition of our hearts that produces sin, we will never be led to seek the righteousness that God gave us through Jesus Christ.

I call it real grace – ‘great grace’, when Holy Spirit starts in the heart of man and break down all the false foundations of wood, hay and stubble – all the self-man-made foundations of our own kingdom.

The King Himself breaks our golden bows, He cuts our spears apart, and burns our own hand-made castles of pride.

He comes like fire and set ablaze all our pride idols.

And after the fire is out, you look at yourself and realize that nothing can compare with Him and what He can offer.

It is always painful to die, and to let go of the self-made kingdom. Stone by stone we die, and then the King Himself begins to lay a great solid stone foundation in us.

It is divinely wise that we are stripped before we are clothed.

Who would wear Christ righteousness, which is whiter than snow on the outside and hide your own filthy rags inside?

In my years of walking with Aldo, fighting for his life – I can see how every time a part of me dies as I let go of every thread of fear, and make a choice to hold on to faith in Christ.

After 14 years, I am beginning to see the bigger picture. He doesn’t want a single thread of my own self to be left on me. Through ‘great grace’, He has made me see my own defilement, the true condition of my heart, and today I value most in my life the precious blood of Jesus Christ who died for all my sins.

But if we walk in the light as He is in the light, we have fellowship with one another, and the blood of Jesus Christ His Son cleanses us from all sin (1 John 1:7).

The convincing work of the Spirit of God is always unexpected. Even if you walk the walk with Christ, He will continue this process of breaking off the old self – and rebuilding in us stones of righteousness.

He borrows nothing of the old man. He makes everything new. He does not add a new room to an old house, no, He builds a new temple – a vessel of honor for the Masters use.

Many times, when we are confronted with trials, and cries unto Him – He allows us to see our hearts. And even when you see that your spiritual heart is dark and filled with self, in His presence you will hear these words – “Let there be light”.

Remember the redemption of the children of Israel from Egypt. They were in a very sad situation, and their cries went up to heaven because they realized their condition of bondage. No one could bring them salvation – only the outstretched hand of God YHVH.

The first heaven and the first earth must pass away, or there cannot be a new heaven and a new earth.

The same with us.

When withering and fading occur in our souls, we should realize that this process happens universal over the hearts of those in whom Holy Spirit works.

I have seen in my life, wherever the Spirit of God breathes on the soul of man, there is a withering of everything that is of the flesh.

That which was sweet becomes bitter, and that which was bright becomes dim.

Holy Spirit blows on all the attractiveness of the flesh, and we see how that beauty of self fade away like a leave.

I look at myself in the Kings presence and I see what He sees.

The deep cry of my heart, “God be merciful to me – teach me”.

He answers, “Without Me you can do nothing, stay in Me as I stay in you”.

I think we should start thanking God for allowing us to see the true condition of our hearts.

“Thank You Abba for putting Your Spirit within us to guide us in everything. We love you and even though it is tough – keep on building this house for Your glory alone. Holy Spirit You are my ever present, loving friend.”

Run the race of faith my friend – we are never alone!

Love to you all

Retah and family.

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