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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Let your heart be His resting place

16 February 2018

Let your heart be His resting place

So many times, I hear people speak about ‘This great man of God’, or ‘She is a big Christian’.

I often wonder about this, because in the Kingdom of God there are no great men and women. As I read the Word, I see that God had always chosen to use the humble and faithful greatly. And when He operates through someone, it is for His glory!

There is a huge difference between thinking our works are great and what God considers important.

The fear of God is lacking in most of us. And without the fear of God, we will never enter His rest. The beginning of ‘wisdom’ starts with the fear of God. When we function, and live our lives in His fear (the awe of God), then the Spirit of God will rest upon us. Our hearts will become a dwelling place for the King.

And when He dwells in us – doesn’t matter how busy our program schedules are – we will experience His peace constantly. To carry His peace is to carry His presence.

Isaiah 66:1 Heaven is My throne and earth is My footstool. Where then is a house you could build for me? And where is a place that I may rest?

We try so hard to bring to God all our works and our ideas of perfection and for some recognition. But, I have learned that the simple prayers of someone that loves Him and trusts Him is all He yearns for. He asks for nothing else than ‘all of me’!

A love relationship with the King – what a privilege!

Softly He whispers in my ear, “Retah, I do not want what you have. I want who you are”.

It is in our hearts that He wants to stay, because He wants to create a place of rest for us.

The Word calls this place ‘Shabbat rest’. It is not ‘the one’ most people think of. You can keep Shabbat but still never enter Abba Father’s rest. Shabbat means to be breathed upon. It is a place of renewal, revival and refreshing.

Rest is in God and becomes possible when we create a dwelling place for Him. If our hearts are filled with fear, anger, bitterness, hate, jealousy, performance, perfection, works and all the things we consider to matter, there will be no space for His Spirit to rest in us.

We need to lay down our lives, in order for Him to rest in us.

John 16:33  I have told you these things, so that in Me you may have [perfect] peace andconfidence. In the world you have tribulation and trials and distress and frustration; but be of good cheer [take courage; be confident, certain, undaunted]! For I have overcome the world. [I have deprived it of power to harm you and have conquered it for you.] 

Let’s choose to stay in Him. Yes, there are difficulties and distractions, I know because I face them every day, just like you. But, I choose to make constant decisions to stay in His peace. And when I get uptight - I stop, I repent - Forgive me Lord, that I opened up to fear, or please forgive me for my bad fruit, and then I get back in line.

This, my friend, keeps me humble and creates a home for Him in me, and enables Him to use me. Humility teaches us to be okay with being the least, or to admit when we are wrong. Or even to keep silent!

We don't need to try to impress God with who we are. He knows the real you. He wants us to come into His rest and start knowing the real you. In His rest, we drink out of the fountain of His love for us and only then, we can give freely what we carry.

As the Shabbat became holy when God rested upon it, so we become holy as we choose to lay down our dark, self-centered lives; letting the fullness of God settle and rest upon us.

In His rest, we will become quiet. And in this quietness, we can clearly hear His voice.

Enjoy His rest.

Thank you so, so very much to all my dear friends in the USA! I truly love you all, and thank you for your love and kindness towards me and my family. It feels like home, because of your love! I am always so inspired when I return home, because I learn so much from you all!

Rooted in Africa, but inspired by the world.

Thank you Abba for this privilege.

Aldo is doing better, but it is a journey to full recovery. He has to learn to swallow again and many more challenges. But God!!!! Glory to Him who sits on the throne.

In His rest, we shall stay.


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