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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

It is all about love

The Lord said to Moses” Behold, there is a place by Me, and you will stand upon a rock.” Ex 33:21

Every Sunday, after ministering away from home for the weekend, I only come home after 18h00.  I just put everything down and enjoy my family. We talk and there are normally something sweet to eat. This Sunday Grandma made us some apple pie and she came over for coffee. Josh immediately said, “it’s movie night!”  The movie was “The Passion of the Christ”. We all became quiet as we watched. From afresh I was made aware of something that we all so easily miss. And that is His love for us, His children. Talk is so cheap, there is much talk of love, but who really knows and understands its depths? As I was watching I realized again that without maturity in Him, we can never understand this love. There is a place where this Love can be seen and experienced and that place is only in Him.  We all want revelation, restoration and so much more, but the only answer to all that is LOVE!  We admire and seek so many shallow things in life, great ministries, great teachings, great movements, great success, but you know what – unless we reach to the very height of the presence of God and come into that place of intimacy with Him - all the things without the love of God, will be only words and deeds without any power!  Whatever we do, must be born out of love and not out of works. I am speaking to myself, because after our accident I really went to the Lord and asked Him to test my heart. “Lord I don’t want to do anything if it is not out of Your heart. I want to dance on the melody that You have for my life. Not what I think the world expects from me.”

The world is earnestly seeking the manifestation of the sons of God.   For [even the whole] creation (all nature) waits expectantly and longs earnestly for God's sons to be made known [waits for the revealing, the disclosing of their son ship] Rom 8:19. So what is it that they are longing to see? It is only the love of YHVE that can fill every empty and broken heart. You see – in Him you will start to see and feel that love forgives, without trying to understand or make you pay with guilt, before you can forgive. Love is pure, Love is humble, Love doesn’t boast in all its works, Love cares, Love gives of self without asking in return, Love doesn’t judge, Love doesn’t want you to pay for your mistakes, Love is unconditional, Love takes up his cross and follows Yeshua, Love doesn’t put his eyes on man, but on Yeshua, Love is obedient, Love loves to touch, Love loves to be patient, Love doesn’t focus on self, Love loves – Yeshua we need Your pure Love!  Do we really know that Love is the only answer? Do we really come into His presence because of Him and  His love, or because of our needs? Do we think of His love for us during every trail in life? Do we remember how He took up the cross and did not stop – all because of love!

After the movie Josh said: “Mom, I made you a nice warm bath”. I fell on my face next to the bath and wept. Yeshua, Yeshua how you taught me tonight again that the maturity of our walk is marked by a continual dwelling between the eternal love of the Father, the Son and Holy Spirit. You want us to be seated in heavenly places and to experience the kind of love shared intimately between the Father and Son.” You Farther have loved them as You have loved Me…..that love with which You loved Me may be in them, and I in them” Joh 17:23,26.

YHVE wants us all to abide in Yeshua as a dwelling place of intimacy. Not to dwell in the shadows of our shallow problems, but by faith resting in Him alone. Those who have found His love, knows that Yeshua is their hiding place. We have to remain in Him!

All our problems, our questions, our trails will never be understood for what they really are until our place, our seating with Him, becomes a living reality here on earth. That is the reason Paul said ” I don’t care to know anything amongst you except Christ crucified” 1Co 2:2. This place – being seated in heavenly places with Yeshua - is not understood if you live out of the flesh and fleshly reasoning – but only through Holy Spirit in love. Our minds, our hearts need to be one with His, if not we will never understand this Love.  Out of this we then start to see through the eyes of Love, and not through the eyes of flesh, or the eyes of self love. We start seeing that we cannot even love if we don’t understand that He loved us first (1 Jn 4:19) and we can love unconditionally, only from that place.  We can never understand this love as long as we are in self love.

“Thank you Father, that tonight, I could once again, become aware of Yeshua’s unconditional love for me. The Love of the finished work of the cross”.   If we are filled with the eternal love of Yeshua, we will have compassion and a love for one another. It is only the love of Yeshua that will cause us to be the least, to keep on forgiving, to say I am sorry, to love, to give, to care, to keep on, to push in, to continuously pray, to keep our faith and to never stop!

” That Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith, that you, being rooted and grounded in love (not in knowledge) may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and the length and the depth and height – to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge (all forms of men’s intellect)  that you may be filled with all the fullness of YHVH” Eph 3:17-19.

His Love changes us from within and makes us aware of our own mistakes - no longer only focussing on the mistakes of others.

How I bless you today with Yeshua’s Love in your life.

Retah and family

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