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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

A time to rest

4 December 2020

After a busy year it is now my time of rest. I am with my kids, Chantel, the nieces, grandma and Moya (our dog) in Yzerfontein (Cape Town). Tinus flew back to work until the 15th of December, and then his factory closes for the year. Josh slept with me last night, and as we woke up Semoné look at each other and decided – let’s go for a run. My first morning, and here I go.

As we run, I thought about the pure love of our Father. How He carried us through this year. I hear His voice ”I want you to rest my child, the place of rest is the place of My habitation. A Place of My Shekinah where you will hear Me speaking into your Spirit Man and give you direction for every step you take. I want you to rest in Me, come I am the dream giver, I want to plant My dreams into your heart for next year. If your heart is pure and fully focused on My will, I will speak to you clearly and lead you step-by-step. Come into My rest! So few people know the power of My rest. It is so easy, you will see how you will become who I want you to be, as you make your resting place in Me. I wil cover you with a mantle of love – stay in that love and rest. Out of you will flow streams of living waters, the river of My love and the river that are full of every provision you need (that is for all My children that rest in Me). Don’t keep yourself busy with religion and teachings, no stay in Me. Here all the scales will fall, you will see through the Wisdom of intimacy, the Wisdom of love that all I want is love, relationship and fellowship with you. Through the Blood of the Lamb My people will have full fellowship with Me. I want you to know Me more intimately, I will open My heart more and more to you, as you seek Me and rest in Me. I want a resting place in you. Be still and know that I am YHVH your God that loves you so much.” With these words, I feel so at peace – my time of resting has come!

We had an amazing time in Israel. O how YHVH protected us. You are invited by Holy Spirit to go to Israel. I believe that with all my heart! And there He takes you into a deeper understanding of His Word which becomes more alive to you as you walk the streets of Israel. (Testimonies will be posted)

I want to thank you all for your love this year.  Aldo is also doing good, and yes, I will post his letters again. It was a time of healing that Aldo went through and as his mom, I protected him - just like all mothers protect their children. I knew that many people would not understand what Aldo was explaining by the trauma that he went through. We first had to work through each little detail and overcome it one step at a time with the help of YHVH.  And still you did not stop loving Aldo and for that i want to thank you. But, now I am going to do a book about trauma and Aldo’s letters will make more sense to you in the contexed of the book.

I have learned a lot. There is not one of us that can say we don’t have any pain. All of us will have to start facing and dealing with our pain. Yes, we are all scared and do not always have the courage to go to that sensitive part of our soul - the part where you hide your deepest pain. Not having the courage to face that pain is exactly what the enemy wants, because if we don’t face and deal with the pain, that part of our soul is kept in darkness. And darkness is where the enemy rules. By having such dark parts in your soul, you are kept out of the fullness of YHVH’s Kingdom. And it’s hard to deal with that pain. Infact, it’s hard to deal with any pain. But it is with that pain that the enemy hurts us and torments us with different types of illnesses and/or emotional pain. People divorce and run away into the arms of alternatives, because they do not want to face their emotional pain. We had no choice with Aldo but to keep on dealing with his pain, even if it costs us so many fights in the spirit. Remember that all of us have the power of YHVH in us and with His power we are able to walk out of any tough situation as true warriors. I just know that greater is He that is in us, than he that is in the world. YHVH wants us clean, even as deep as in your DNA. It is all possible through the Blood of the Lamb. He is coming for a pure bride!

It was all worth it – as a family we could see the difference in our lives as we learned more and more about the realm of the spirit and started to understand what happened with Aldo through the trauma and all the different skills of the enemy. And again we realized our authority and the power that lies in purity. It leads to holiness and that leads to complete rest in the Fathers heart.

When you adopt the character of Yeshua, it truly reflects in your life. This weekend I walked out of a seminar with arms full of Ginger-cookies, berries, sweets, a book to read  and hugs that overflowed with love. And so throughout the year my family and I received love from people all over the world, people we don't even know, people who poured out their love so freely, just because it is part of Yeshua's character. Your letters of encouragement and the way people supported me and my family through this year, is truly one of the reasons we are still standing strong today. Thank you Abba Father for loving us so unconditionally and teaching us more about Your character and love one step at a time. 

I bless you today with the peace of Yeshua in your heart.

Look out for the new videos Semoné and I are working on.

Retah and family

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