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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

God has a plan and a purpose for your life

11 June 2019

Psalm 139:13-16 Oh yes, You shaped me first inside, then out.

You formed me in my mother’s womb. I thank You High God – You're breathtaking! Body, soul, I am marvelously made. I worship in adoration – what a creation. You know me inside out, You know every bone in my body. You know exactly how I was made, bit by bit. How I was sculpted from nothing into something. Like an open book, You watch me grow from conception to birth, all the stages of my life were spread before You. The days of my life all prepared before I’d even lived one day.

The truth is that God is very excited about us and He has a plan and a purpose for our lives. The question still remains, how do I reach this full potential God has in mind for me with so many adversaries and battles around?

In the midst – yes, in the midst of it all! Today, while it is still called today.

God gave us His Spirit of Truth to guide us and lead us into victory through the Blood of Jesus Christ.

John 16:13 When He, the Spirit of truth comes, He will guide you into all truth.

But you need to see the goal, you need to have a desire to be free, and then envision yourself free.

Are you still excited about tomorrow, or are you merely existing?

Do you live or is life living you? Do you have a goal, a desire, a plan on your drawing board or are you just surviving through every day?

Has life become an old black and white movie or are you living in colour?

Do you live for the next vacation, a better job or for the fullness of life? Is there still a spark in your marriage or did you lose all the dynamics of love as you once knew it?

What happened? Maybe we lost sight of who God made us to be and what He designed us to do?

And now we are not actively and intentionally pursuing what Abba Father has planned and desire for our lives. We are merely treading water.

If we really want to pursue and reach our full potential, then we need to face up to these two truths/questions.

1) God placed so much more in us than we would ever realize. Do you know this and do you believe it?

2) Did you settle for the life you have now? God did not plan for you to settle for anything less than fullness of joy.

He is the answer! He wants us to be free and live a life of abundance in every area of our lives!

People settled for the life dished out on their plates.

Why? Even in the darkest most devastating moments of our journey, I never settled for a life of despair. I came to realize that there are many things that we can no longer do. Many things have changed and we had to adapt in many areas of life – but we still diligently pursue the life of abundance that Abba has for us.

If you have made peace for a "settled-life" of defeat, then life’s challenges will threaten and scare you. I know that many situations cannot be changed, but we can always change our perceptions – how we view things. And we can change the legacy which we hand over to the next generation.

If you settle for a settled-life, you would stop dreaming, hoping and trusting God. You will stop seeking and pursuing the fullness of life.

The problem is that we don’t see ourselves the way our Abba Father sees us? When you see yourself the way He sees you – you will jump with joy. You will be thrilled knowing that He breathes over your spirit with His fire and passion. In His presence, His love burns away all fear and doubt and you will know that you know that you have found the answer. Jesus – He is your provider, He is your friend, Your saviour and He is always with you. He has a plan and a purpose for your life. It doesn't matter what you face or go through! Knowing Him and believing Him will excite you so much that you would want to run after His plans and embrace it with both arms.

This week I once again had the privilege to pray Diane Hawkins’s prenatal prayer ( with a friend in the USA. It is one of those prayers we all have to pray.

It was such an awesome experience to be taken back in the spirit, seeing yourself in Abba Father’s hands, seeing what He has deposited into your spirit, commissioning you for your purpose on earth. Oh, to look into the eyes of your Abba Father and to see the Love. Here Psalm 139:13-16 just springs to life.

As I was still in His presence – He allowed me to see what He sees.

Our Abba sees us through the eyes of love and forgiveness.

He sees where we are, but more importantly, He see us the way He made us. He sees our full potential, all the possibilities, plans, purposes, joys, high mountains that He wants to climb with us. He showed me His Blood – His eternal, unfailing plans.

In His eyes, I saw a deep well and the waters of life that flows out from it like a stream, washing, nourishing and giving us life and life in abundance.

But to have all this – to experience it – we need to come close to the well and align ourselves with His plan and purposes for His life in us. He wants to bless you more than you can ever imagine.

What if our Abba Father asks of you to be a changer of the generations? What if He calls you to be the one to stop all this walking around the mountain with all the defeat that you and your family eat?

You don't need to settle for defeat. In every situation we face, God still has the final say and He still wants us to experience His faithfulness and love.

God gave us all the keys of the Kingdom and His life.

Let’s pursue life and life in abundance!

I bless you and thank you for all your love and walking this journey with us.

Retah and family

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