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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Fellowship with Holy Spirit

Our communication and intimacy with Holy Spirit is the key to our fellowship with God. We all need to understand the importance of our relationship with Holy Spirit, and our need to daily walk hand in hand with Him.  We need to invite Him into every area of our life, into every situation, and every decision. We cannot be set free from whatever holds us back, or keeps us bound, by our own efforts. Our human zeal and passion can only take us so far…and then only Holy Spirit can take us beyond our own efforts into the freedom we all seek. From my own experiences I can see that in the areas where I rely on my own strength I ultimately fail, and in the end I just keep walking around the same mountain again and again.

So I say, live by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature. For the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit, and the Spirit what is contrary to the sinful nature (Gal. 5:16-17).

In our daily sanctification process Yeshua wants us to redirect our attention from ourselves to His Spirit, rather than continually tiring ourselves by fighting a losing battle with sin.

When we live a lifestyle of communication and obedience to the Holy Spirit we will fellowship with God throughout the day, and He becomes our best friend within us. He dwells inside of you, and you have to build a relationship with Him by talking to Him, asking His advice, inviting Him into every situation, honouring His Word, and yes – loving Him!

Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him.” By this he meant the Spirit, whom those who believed in him were later to receive (John 7:38-39).

Holy Spirit is the light we need to live by. He is the bright light in our spirit that exposes and drives away the darkness. Holy Spirit is the presence of God within us. He is our teacher, because He is the Spirit of Truth. This journey of truth is the journey of the Cross that we all have to walk – it is a journey of surrender and obedience to the One who called us. Let us keep on walking and not grow faint; let us persevere not in our own strength, but in His strength just like the Scripture says: Not by might , nor by power – but by Your Holy Spirit alone! (Zach. 4:6).

I pray that your love for your King will just grow deeper and deeper as you invite Him into every area of your life, and that you will see how He provides supernaturally in everything you need – spirit, soul,and body.

During this week I tasted again of His faithfulness when Aldo and Chantel’s story of hope was on the front page a South-African Christian magazine – the JUIG. I looked at Chantel’s picture on the front page, and as I read their miracle story again I wiped away my tears while thanking God for His faithfulness. As his mother that walked with him every step of the way since our accident eight years ago, I know how much God has done for us and what a long way we have come.This morning Aldo went with me for the first time to be interviewed on a Christian TV program, DKNT Gospel. He didn’t say much throughout the interview, but to me it was a huge step forward.  Greater things are yet to come! Click here to see the JUIG article

“Thank You Abba for all You have done up till now, and for Your faithfulness towards Your promises and Your covenant.

Thank You Holy Spirit for Your presence. Please lead us every step of the way. Please take my thoughts captive and make them obedient to the Word of God. I surrender all of me to You. Please lead us into Your truth. Step by step we want to follow You and You alone…”

May God’s peace reign in your heart,

With love,

Retah and family.  

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