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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Faith works through love

23 June 2016

Faith works through love

I have never seen faith working without love. They are walking hand in hand on all our journeys here on earth. Faith comes by hearing the Rhema Word of God. Faith is a substance – so when we hear the Rhema word, the substance of faith – ‘sees’ – the vision of its existence. This substance of the vision becomes our hope which generates the power to see it to its finish – all made possible and imparted into us – through faith in YHVH.

All Rhema word carries a vision and the power to see them is inside of us through Holy Spirit.

Ephesians 1:18 I pray that the eyes of your heart may be enlightened, so that you will know what is the hope of His calling, what are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints.

The eyes of our understanding - the eyes of our hearts are our eyes of faith. Many times these eyes are closed with dark demonic visions of no hope, unbelief, bitterness, anger, jealousy, evil speaking, slandering, self-hate and self-pity. If this is the case you will not be able to ‘see’ through faith what YHVH wants you to see. That is why Paul prayed ‘that the eyes of our hearts may be enlightened’, the darkness needs to be traded through repentance – so that we will be able to have faith again and see.

Repentance will carry us from breakthrough to breakthrough. You will find repentance at all depths of Yeshua’s presence. Repentance mandates humility and expresses willingness to be transformed. That is the only way - through the Blood of Yeshua - to be washed so that the enlightening of the eyes of your heart to see again, is activated.

Two years ago, I stayed overnight in New York on my way home. That night I went to a Church in Time Square. It was amazing and the worship was very special. Many people from all over the world attend this Church on Time Square. While we worshiped, I felt someone tapping me on my shoulder. ‘Is your husband’s name Tinus?


‘and are you Retah?’

‘Yes? This was strange to me’

She started crying. ‘Many years ago I read your book’ A Message from God in a bookstore in Jakarta Indonesia. I did not have the money to buy the book, so every day I would go in and read a couple of pages. At the end the manager of the bookstore said to me – you finish reading the book without buying it? But, every day I would tell my family what I read in your book. One day as I prayed I said to Jesus – I would love to meet Retah one day. Then I started seeing myself greeting you. I could see that vision so clearly. And now here we meet in New York in a church? God is so faithful in even the little desires of our hearts!’

I walked back to the hotel that night. What a coincidences I thought? ‘No Retah, that is not a coincidence – that is Me working through faith. She believed, she had the substance of faith, she saw the visions and then she received it.’

On the flight back, I could not help thinking about the story. ‘Abba, what if we translated the book into the Indonesian language. Then we go and give it out for free as a ministering tool. If these are so many people that cannot afford the book, let’s give the book to them for free!’ I started to ‘see’ visualizing how we gave out the books and the vision was imprinted on my heart.

Back home we prayed about it and trusted Abba for the finances. We started the translation without even having the money for the printing. The process went on and step -by-step we could finish it all.

The moneys that people donate to us are being used for these kinds of projects. Last year we visited Thailand and gave out books in Thai.

I am glad to tell you that we are leaving for Jakarta in a weeks’ time. I am taking Josh with me, a wonderful bonding time for us whilst he has school holidays.

By allowing the simplicity of seeing by faith, reality can follow. Remember, Yeshua instructed us to believe that we have received what we desire when we pray – all in His name and His perfect will.

Till next time – remember - Faith works through love!

Retah and family.

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