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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Impossible is where God starts

The God of the impossible does not allow a challenge to come into our lives unless He has a divine purpose for it. He uses all our flaws, our failures and all our pain – as we give it all to Him, to make us overcomers – more than conquerors in Him. It is so like YHVH to use nobodies and turn them into His image - to use losers and make them winners. Jer 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you says the Lord, plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.  God has no evil thoughts about you. He only wants what is best for you. But Retah, there are so many things in my life that is wrong at this moment – yes,  I understand, but most of them are because of what we have sown – but still – He says in  Jer 29;11, 12, 13 In those days when you pray, I will listen. If you look for me earnestly, you will find me when you seek Me. I will be found by you, says the Lord. I will end your captivity and restore your fortunes. For us to live a life of failure is not in His plans for us. His heart for you and me is to be successful in everything we do, just because He has all the Wisdom and Understanding we could ever require. All of what I am writing to you now, I have tasted. That is why I really know that it is true. I had to learn that nothing is over till Yeshua says it’s over. Your situation might seem impossible at this moment and therefore you have decided to accept the worst. David knew that feeling so well. Ps 39:4  Show me Lord my life’s end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting my life is. He was actually saying – OK, give me the worst. But I ask you - don’t go that way, don’t accept defeat as finality when defeat is not even an option. Don’t accept what happens in your life as ‘your lot’ – and that’s it.  No, no, no! – Rom 8:28  We are assured and know that [God being apartner in their labor] all things work together and are [fitting into a plan] for good to and for those who love God and are called according to [His] design and purpose It is all going to work out for you if you hold on to the Word of God – even to death! Don’t cast away your faith in YHVH. But how Yeshua is going to bring it all together for us - we don’t know. The truth is we will never know, and it is OK if you are clueless.  The truth is His ways are not our ways, and we don’t know in advance how He is going to bring it to pass. But what I do know is that YHVH will meet your needs. This is just who He is! Start believing that God is God - that the end will be better than the beginning. That your situation will chance – why? – because, you serve the God of the ‘impossible’. He changes all the ‘impossible’ in your life into the ‘possible’. You have to keep on standing in faith. Are you standing in faith? Are you holding fast? – or did you let go?  Ps 37:37 Mark the blameless man and behold the upright, for there is a happy end for the man of peace. Peace can be translated as wellbeing, soundness and wholeness. Remember that you have to have peace with YHVE, before you can have peace in your heart. You are headed for something great! In my life I declare this out loud - every day. You are headed for great things, for a breakthrough, for restoration, for a miracle, I expect the best everyday – because Yeshua wants to give me this. I believe this with all my heart. Even though every day in our walk is not easy (Aldo just had a seizure again last night) – I still believe that and proclaimit aloud. I will not be moved by what I see – I will keep on trusting and believing in who He is – the King of kings, The Lord of lords and in control of our lives. Because I am not afraid any more – If YHVH is for us who can be against us? Today, I celebrate my birthday. For many years I could not even stand to think anything good about my birthday. The pain kept me away from embracing my life. When I thought about it - it felt like you took your hand and wiped it over brokenglass. I even made sure that I worked every year on this day, just to avoid thinking about my life – and what YHVH gave me in life. All I thought was – this is my price and I will pay it. That was a lie of the enemy, because our good Father’s heart for His children is restoration. He restored even that pain in me. We worked a lot with our DNA and as I realized through all the prayers, and eating His flesh and drinking His blood, that my DNA has changed.  I know this is true because of the character change in me. Yesterday, as I walked into the office they said let’s all go to the prayer room to pray. There, they had this great surprise – Aldo washed my feet and they pampered my hands and prayed for me. I cried and cried because that was the first time that I could feel that I was ready again to receive and embrace it. Never, ever after our accident did I go to a salon to be pampered.  I thought I did not deserve it. I just worked!  Once or twice when people offered it, I felt that my pain stood in the way of enjoying the gift . But YHVH HAS RESTORED ME! My heart now feels like a little velvet throw -  it is so soft, and all I want to do is to take my hand and rub it over and over my heart. You know that way a velvet throw invites you to embrace it with love. That is what YHVH did for me – through all the healing that we went through - I can embrace this day 12 February and celebrate it again with Yeshua. I can see now, how the enemy wants to steal all the blessings and goodness from us. Thank you for all the wonderful blessings that I received even from early morning all over the world. I had breakfast in bed, with Josh and Tinus. Aldo was still sleeping because of the seizure last night, but I am not going to be moved by what I see – I live by faith and not by sight! Tinus and I are going to the City for the day, just enjoying the day together. I don’t want anything – I just embracethis wonderful gift of healing! Thank you my Abba, how I love you for giving our lives back. I pray for you, and bless you with Yeshua’s best in your life. Retah and family

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