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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

A great and powerful tool - humility

28 February 2013

A walk of faith, full of trials, tests and battles – but through it all we come to understand more of who Christ is and what life really is all about. In my walk I am determined to become progressively more sensitive to Yeshua’s will and to daily follow His guidance. In other words my prayers for healing in our lives (body, soul and spirit) become a fresh dedication of my life to Christ and His Kingdom every day. I learned a powerful lesson – allow YHVH to do with your life as He wills. Each year, He trusts me, to do more and more different things – far more than I would have ever dared or thought of, or attempted on my own strength and human wisdom. I can declare today, that spiritual adventuring with the Lord Jesus Christ Yeshua our Messiah is the most humbling, beautiful, life changing experience one can ever know. It is a life of perfect peace in the midst of all the storms. For YHVH makes all the advances and opens every door He means for you to enter. You just have to understand out of ourselves, we can do nothing.

The keys of the Kingdom are ours – we just need to use them and open Kingdom over each and every situation in our lives. In my hand, today, I am looking at a beautiful golden key that unlocks the vast storehouse of YHVH – it is called ‘Utter humility’. This key reminds us constantly that mortal strength is never sufficient, as well as believing with equal certainty, that in His strength I can do all things. I have learned that I can go and do anything with Him, and never be afraid of what is in front of me, for He is my Strength, my Wisdom, my Way and my all! As Yeshua leads us step-by-step I know today, that obedience iss o very important, because if not – I miss the next stepping stone. And if you miss one, all the next steps, become challenging and stretching.  The world calls those big steps stressful but, they are in fact stretching our spirit to learn to become more obedient and dependant with every little step that we take.

What YHVH did for me and my family, He wants to do for you. He took out my stonyheart and gave me one of flesh. I have so much peace today even in the midst of challenges, a busy diary and just being a mom, friend and wife. I believe that a man on his knees sees much further than a man on a hill. By spending so much time on my face, through tears, I started to see a new thing, a new life, a new way. All of a sudden I could understand what Yeshua meant when He said ‘whosoever will save his life shall lose it, and whosoever will lose his life, for My sake, shall find it”. This truth must have been central to Yeshua’s teaching for we find it 6 times in the 4 gospels. To believe and obey this eternal fact is to live a life of abundance – but to ignore it, is to refuse and thereby accept the consequences of sin. Yeshua said in John 10:10 I came that they may have LIFE and LIFE IN ABUNDANCE!’  I see so few people that truly live a life of peace and abundance in Christ - this has to do with the condition of your heart, not your bank account, or your status, or who you are in the world’s eyes, if you can “name-drop” or what you achieved.

Yeshua is waiting for you to lay down your life – not to hold on to it.  That means, putting my trust in Him alone and following wherever He leads. I have to allow Him to burn all the sin out of my life and to cleanse me as deep as my DNA - all through the Blood of the Lamb. There is a remnant that yearns for holiness, not legalism, examining their hearts and having a desire to obey the voice of Holy Spirit implicitly. Do you identify with the remnant in our day? Are your heart broken over the condition of your own souls, your children’s lives, your family’s lives, your city and country’s condition? Do you find yourself weeping and crying to YHVH just like Daniel and Nehemiah did for revival in your lives? Do you yearn to walk in holiness and power and are discontent even in places where great things are happening? Are you looked at as “peculiar” by Christians without such feelings?

Then take courage, you are part of YHVE’s remnant that He is raising up. He is not slow concerning his promises. Take up your position and let His refining fire do its work to make you a pure and humble vessel. I find myself becoming more and more content - just wanting to obey His voice.  Knowing that I can do nothing out of myself, all I know is that I want to know out of revelation and not knowledge.

In my own country I see the fruit of destruction and all are eating of this tree - crime, corruption, murder, hate, brokenness, pride, racism, idolatry and rebellion. Even so, in all this darkness – Yeshua is waiting for our cries and prayers to help us through it all. Yes, maybe, you don’t even feel safe anymore, or you have been a victim of this darkness, but you know what? – you can have His perfect peace in your heart in the midst of it all. How I loved the Chatbox day yesterday. So many South Africans phoned me – we are all walking the same journey in this country. God is doing a new thing it doesn’t matter what race or colour or denomination – on your face you will see the same new thing – a remnant being formed through fire and trials.  Walking in the light of Christ, with His character as a son of God. Nothing to prove, just a wonderful life to live in Yeshua.

This year we are starting with a School of life seminar Yeshua said to me: “so many of My children don’t understand that they can’t just know the truths, they need to live it in their daily lives.” There is no challenge in locking yourself up – having no contact with the world.  No, He wants you to bring His Kingdom to the world, in the market place to each and every area of your life. Yeshua wants you to live a successful life - becoming what YHVE created you to be. You have it all in you – you just need to discover how to unlock it, in and through Christ.  His desire is that you thrive in every endeavour in life - body, soul and spirit - in business, finances, relationships, marriage, self-image,  knowing your identity – His truths spilling over into your words, dreams, calling and in my love relationship with Him. I know we can all do it – because of Christ in us!

Lord I open my heart and welcome whatever your will is for my life.

We as a family are doing well. I learn everyday from Holy Spirit, ‘Wisdom’ and Aldo’s pen. Humbly, I learn the deeper side of life, where love is seen in how you treat other people, how you speak to and of other people. How we start finding our value in who we are in Christ, having His character, instead of what we do in life. My race in life is a race of stepping out beyond what ”I“ can do – but trusting in what YHVH can do, and in who He is. This is such a humble road but filled with “life”.

Just give YHVH your best – He will show up and give His best.

Love Retah and family

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