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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

True Peace - Shalom from God

I have learnt an amazing truth - Peace, true peace is not the lack of difficult situations, the lack of conflict, the lack of pain – No; true peace is being aware of the glorious presence of God.

But the angel said to them, Do not be afraid, for behold, I bring you good news of a great joy which will come to all the people. For to you is born this day in the town of David, a Savior, Who is Christ the Lord! And this will be a sign for you: you will find a Baby wrapped in swaddling clothes and lying in a manger. Then suddenly there appeared with the angel an army of the troops of heaven, praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest and on earth peace among men with whom He is well pleased. (Luke 2: 10-15)

It means, peace of earth to men on whom His favor rests.

Do you have peace in your life? In Him (Jesus) we have the perfect peace. There is a difference between happiness and peace. They are not the same. Happiness is what you feel when you stretch your legs and feel good; it depends on your situation or circumstance. This is something that comes and goes. But true (shalom) peace is so much deeper! It is something that stays with you, no matter what situation you are in.

May be you are distracted by your circumstances, or anxious about your immediate future? Don’t be – trust in God. In Acts 6 & 7, we see how Stephen experiences this kind of peace even while being attacked.

In Jesus, we can experience peace in times of discomfort, during a financial crisis, illness or even when tragedy hits. I know how I daily grab unto this peace in my walk of life. The way to do it is to keep your eyes fixed on Jesus. I also realized it is not found when looking to men, or relying on men for help or comfort - God alone holds unwavering peace. This road is a lonely one, a road without lots of people to please. No man can give you what only God has. Man can render his opinion, but God gives truth, grace and understanding. Don’t be moved by the world, only by God. Keep your focus on God, and God alone.

I am leaving for Australia soon. In my heart I am excited about what God has planned for the nation. He wants His fire, His love to reach a country that is in need of Him, even though they don’t realize it. It is so easy to give the love message, but are you living the love message? God ask us “Does your life, match your message?” God wants to ruin us by His love. If you are willing, He will give you so many opportunities to be His hands and His feet. Display Gods love, His mercy and His compassion in your life for all to see. Be a brightly shining lamp on a lamp stand, for His glory.

Remember - the greatest love you can give, is by giving of yourself. That is all that I want to take to Australia, THE LOVE OF CHRIST. I believe the presence of God’s Love permeating out of us, WILL change lives. This love is poured out in our hearts, because Holy Spirit Himself lives in our hearts, and dwells in us. For that reason (because we are filled with love) we will demonstrate God’s love to all men. To those who walk in His light and to those who do not. Love comes with no conditions. Love inspires. Love that comes from a heart full of love will love unconditionally.

Tinus and the kids are going to a farm in Botswana for a couple of days while I am away. The will see the big five and just behold the glory of His creation. I want them to enjoy themselves without anyone around. Then Aldo can just be himself and enjoy the peace inside of him, and the peace on the outside coming from God’s perfect design in nature - where the rocks cry out with us...GLORY TO THE KING!

Thank you for your prayers, your love towards us, and most of all your love for the King!

May God bless your spirit!


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