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To see His Glory

As we are full of the Holy Ghost, we will see the Glory of God.

Acts 7:55 says of Stephen, “But he, being full of the Holy Ghost, looked up steadfastly into heaven – and saw the Glory of God, and Jesus standing on the right hand of God”

At the retreats, I teach people how to enter into God’s presence. How to see into His sanctuary.

Listen to what the Lord is saying to you today: My child, it is only the Holy Spirit in you, Who can reveal heaven to you. Did I not say My Spirit will guide you into all truth? For He shall not speak of Himself, but whatsoever He shall hear, that He shall speak. And He is the one that will show you things to come. He shall Glorify Me, for He shall receive what is Mine and give unto you. (John 16:13-14)

The Holy Spirit is the one Who reveals the sanctuary, shows you the way, and takes you in. He is the One who reveals the things we need to know about the Spirit. We cannot understand heavenly secrets without the wisdom given to is by the Holy Spirit. As we yield ourselves more and more to Him and not to books, or religion, or opinions – He will completely take over our lives. Only then can we truly start living a Kingdom life.

Holy Spirit will fill you with Himself, as you empty yourself of the world and of self-centeredness.  He will give you special wisdom and knowledge. You will be able to look and see with new enlightened eyes!

Jesus said the Holy Spirit, our Comforter will teach us all things. As we minister unto His people, He shall bring into remembrance all the things Jesus taught us. (John14:26)

Holy Spirit your best friend – He is in you! As He was in Paul, and Stephen, and all the other saints. He enables you to live a full life, even if your situation is not perfect. He is the one who opens heaven for you, so you can enter into the sanctuary of God; just as He opened the Word of God to your understanding. It is Holy Spirit who enables us to see His Glory.

Learn much from Holy Spirit and lean on Him. He is your Friend, your Comforter, your Strength, your Helper. But please – do not grieve Him! To judge others is to grieve Him! To be entangled with the world is to grieve Him! Rather, obey His Word when He speaks to you. Holy Spirit is the key to the fullness of God.

He is my covering. Through Him, Jesus can reveal His glory. Only Holy Spirit can teach you about heaven’s mysteries. He is the one who I call my Best Friend!      

May God bless your spirit! Retha

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