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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

The cares of this world

27 March 2020

I love the story that Jesus told about "a man who goes around and scatters seed that falls in different places on different types of soil."

All the seed had a different outcome. Today I want to look at one particular outcome – the seed that fell among the thorns. Jesus said that these thorns grew and choked what would have been a wonderful grain harvest. He further explained that the seed sown was the Word of God and that the thorns are the "cares of the world – the deceitfulness of riches – and the desires for other things."

These three are destroyers that are deployed to keep us from blossoming and becoming true fruitful followers of God.

Do you know that Abba Father wants to take care of you?

He loves you and wants you to cast all your cares upon Him – because He cares for you!

1 Pet 5:7  Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.

You can tell Him everything!

We all needed to get produce for the 21 days lock down in South Africa. But it was such a rush for everyone to be prepared in time. The cues were very, very long and there was not much left to buy. People struggled to get food supplies to their families in the rural areas. The whole country became restless.

Everywhere you went the fear was tangible as more people became infected, daily. After midnight on the 26th of March no one would be allowed to come out of their homes except for emergencies. We all understand the danger and need for the strict regulations. There are so many vulnerable people in our townships that are already facing difficult situations. Our country also has extremely high numbers of people with tuberculosis and HIV that are especially vulnerable now.

At 18h00 on Thursday night the whole country went into prayer. Everyone at their own home or shelter. This was truly a holy moment – we all sat down and prayed. A quietness after the rush came over our country, our city, our streets, our homes, and our hearts. The peace of God filled our hearts. An open portal over South Africa; as the children of God bowed down and sought God’s heart and protection. We know that now is the time to repent and turn our eyes to God!

We took communion and we all prayed. Aldo just thanked Jesus Christ for His Blood. I could not stop thinking of all the people in our country that are living in very difficult circumstances without water and electricity. As we prayed and lifted them up to Jesus, I just saw in the spirit "Abba Father’s hand opening up over our country".

Matt 6:25 This is why I tell you never to worry about your life, for all that you need will be provided, such as food, water, clothing – everything you need. Isn't there more to life than a meal? Isn't your body more than clothing?

Yes Jesus, we all certainly realize this now once again. We put our trust in Jesus Christ alone.

Look at the birds – do you think they worry if Jesus will provide for them?

This morning we woke up to a very quiet Stellenbosch. I could hear the birds louder than ever, and the pheasants were shouting to each other, "Come, come quickly, no one are in the streets! It’s all ours!! They ran around in circles screaming and yelling making sounds of joy – it is all ours!!!!”

So again, which one of us can by worrying add anything to our lives? Worry only steals from us and kills God’s Word in our hearts. It prevents us from trusting in God and bearing fruit of life.

Now is a time to collect heavenly treasures – such as loving one another, serving one another, revealing truth and bringing Christ’s light into a dark, fearful and lost world. None of these ‘treasures’ can be stolen or ever lose their value. What an amazing time in the midst of everything, to have time to love on one another.

Your thoughts (heart) will always be focused on your treasure. Don't fall into the trap of focusing on that which you can’t change. Rather focus on Jesus Christ because He changes everything!

If your ‘eyes’ are focused on hope and life, your whole being will be full of light.

I have learned that life often surprises you with things that you have no control over. This can be frustrating – until you realize that you can control your reactions.

Allow Jesus to form you in this time as we sit at His feet. He will show you new direction, He will unlock your scroll of life, so that you can start dancing on your eternal scroll.

My dear friend, choose life, choose peace, choose change, choose care, choose love – choose Jesus Christ!

I bless you to be still in the presence of the Lord, and wait patiently for Him to act (guide you).

Ps 37:7  Be still and rest in the Lord; wait for Him and patiently lean yourself upon Him; fret not yourself because of him who prospers in his way, because of the man who brings wicked devices to pass. 

Stay safe – I keep you in my prayers.

Retah and family 

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