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The beauty of the Wilderness

God is seeking for people who are willing to allow their character to be developed in the dry wilderness seasons.  If you find yourself in the dry wilderness, you have to decide not to feel sorry for yourself. These wilderness experiences will draw you closer and closer to God if you allow it to. All of us need to go through the wilderness in order to get to the Promised Land. Ask God for His perspective in these seasons, so that you can see the bigger picture. In these seasons you will need to eat His Word as the Israelites ate the manna – for this is your food from heaven and will give you strength. Understand that God’s plan is so much greater than you can fathom.  God uses the wilderness to teach you patience and trust and to fear His name. Through it, He is empowering you for the miraculous and for the greater things that is to come.

“And you shall remember all the way which the Lord your God led you these forty years in the wilderness, to humble you and to prove you, to know what was in our heart, whether you would keep His commandments or not. And He humbled you and allowed you to hunger and fed you with manna, which you did not know nor did your fathers know, that He might make you recognize that man does not live by bread only, but man lives by every word that proceeds out of the mouth of the Lord. Your clothing did not become old upon you nor did your feet swell these forty years. Know also in your hearts that as a man disciplines and instructs his son, so the Lord your God disciplines and instructs you. So you shall keep the commandments of the Lord your God, to walk in His ways and to fear Him.” (Deut. 8: 2-6)

God’s timing is very important and precise. Just keep on moving with the Holy Spirit so that you won’t be out of step. Develop a ear that hears to recognize His voice when He directs your steps.

Before you move to your next level, you will encounter a wilderness experience to prepare you. It will be a time of crying out to God and desperately seeking for more of Him. There He tests your heart, your motives, and the way you respond to the stones and difficulties of life. There I normally find myself repenting and cleansing myself so that I can come boldly to the throne of Grace. Thank You Jesus for never ending AMAMZING GRACE!

If you submit under God’s hand, every step in the wilderness will be one step closer to spiritually maturity. You need the wilderness seasons to grow and to pass the test of promotion in the Kingdom of God. As God builds His character into you through these wilderness seasons, you will move higher in victory and power.

In order for you to receive your miracle or your victory, you must stand on His word, and rid yourself from the religious mindset that keeps you out of God’s River.

During November last year, Aldo jumped down eight stairs in our house and hurt his ankle badly. Tinus and I were very angry with him because he had trouble walking for a couple of weeks after the incident. “Aldo, why did you jump so far?” I asked him. “Mom, I saw the river of God moving through our house and then I jumped!” Today, I understand so much better, because I saw the river too!   

Since January this year, God has been talking to me about the river of life. This river has its own voice and makes a sound that speaks of the life and freedom in Christ. This river cleanses and releases joy - unspeakable joy! I know God is in the river. His life is in the river. The river flows from the throne of God. There in the river is a greater level of Glory, a greater level of Faith and a new divine revelation of who God is!

One night as I was praying in the spirit, I put my feet into this river and I started to cry and cry and cry. What an amazing God we serve! To live in the spirit is a new life – a higher life than you can ever image. In His river I experienced the fullness of life and His promises became so clear to me. From the throne of God, His promises flowed as rhema-truth into my spirit. “My child; through this river of life, position yourself in front of the throne of Grace and know that you will overcome every obstacle of life.”

Aldo just smiled at me and put his little thumb in the air as I came out of my room after having my river experience. I might be a bit behind Aldo, but I want the fullness of God and I am willing to go all the way through the wilderness to get to the Promised Land. After every wilderness season, there is a new revelation of Who God is.

Praise God for a resurrected life - a life in Christ!

Don’t look around you, just push into the spirit – into the fullness of God.

We are walking on the water and started with our book “A message from God” in Hebrew. My heart is to help the Jewish nation see and recognize their Messiah. To find out more about this project please go to the information box on the frontpage of this web-site.

May God bless your spirit and may His Word be a lamp unto your feet.


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