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My child, “The key to peace is simply

My child, “The key to peace is simply to be faithful to all I ask of you.”

We, as God’s children, receive only one assignment in this life (it may be asking only a little, and for others asking much) and that is to be faithful in all we are asked to do.

Why are so many people fighting this road that God allows them to walk on? It will always be to His Glory! “Consider Me; how I was faithful to My Father under whose appointment I came to the earth,” I can hear Jesus say.

We are all here for a divine appointment, a divine plan, a divine calling with Kingdom purpose. We are here to be His ambassadors – to drink of the miracle cup and also the cup of suffering. What a wonderful peace and joy we have to know that all our battles belong to the Lord! For the Word of God tells us that we are overcomers by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony (Rev. 12:11).

I can hear Jesus saying “My child, I have a job for you to do, a calling for you to fulfil.” And maybe you are asking today, “But what can it be, Retha?” And the Lord answers, “Remember, you are not your own. It is not for your comfort but all for My Glory. You are under My divine appointment – just keep on surrendering yourself to My divine plan for your life. The doors that will open will show you the way. The people on your path will be sent by Me, so that you can be My hands and feet to them. It doesn’t matter if they are good or bad to you, be My hands and feet and above all: Pray for your enemies and bless them!”

Keep on praying for the salvation of souls. It is all about souls! Keep on praying for people to come to repentance. To judge, and to gossip, and to speak softly is not going to help! Pray for the salvation of people’s souls!! Even if it is your enemy... especially if it is your enemy! Jesus loves that person very much, it’s only the sinful deeds that He hates.

“I will send you where I want you to go. Things that are not according to My will, I will stop if you keep on surrendering to me every day!” That is the secret: Keep on surrendering everything into God’s hands.

“Stay faithful to Me. Keep on walking in radical obedience to Me. Stay loyal to Me. And above all – be happy in all I ask you to do, because it is not about you; but all about Me.” Stay in God’s Word, and live the Word of God!

Hebrews 2 vs. 9-10 says: But we see Jesus, who was made a little lower than the angels, for the suffering of death crowned with glory and honor, that He, by the grace of God, might taste death for everyone. 

For it was fitting for Him, for whom are all things and by whom are all things, in bringing many sons to glory, to make the captain of their salvation perfect through sufferings.

“My Child, don’t let anyone ever try to tell you that your suffering is not valid. It is that hour when body, soul and spirit is in deep agony that you are being perfected into the likeness of the image of the Son of God.

There is a crown of glory awaiting all who suffer for My sake. To go through trails is a honour and a privilege because of the great reward – the crown of glory - to all those who overcome. It is a very costly reward, but please feel so honoured to be able to walk that walk.”

I receive so many mails from people all around the world that also walk a walk that requires a great price. Today I want to encourage you, say thank you Jesus that you can learn and can grow! Because this road takes you from Glory to Glory and all the honour goes to our Abba for that. Don’t always look at trials as something bad. See it as an opportunity to become mature in Jesus. What else is going to get you there?

Today, I am shouting out in excitement because of this road that I am walking. Because nothing and no one would have been able to teach me the truths I have now learnt by experience. There is no textbook or theological training that can give it. The spirit realm is real and we need to walk victoriously in it, so that when we say we walk in the spirit we know how to handle what we are confronted with.

But nothing, I say again, nothing, about this road is only difficult – it is all a part of God’s school of the spirit. Jesus says, “What is Mine, is yours. That is why I can call you brethren, because we are one in everything – even in suffering. We experience the same hurts, the same rejection. Even as I suffered and was tempted, so that I am now able to comfort and strengthen all who are tempted, so also with you. Now you too can comfort and not judge. I ask you to hold the hands high in the spirit of those who suffer, because you have also gone through that suffering and you understand.

The trails that you go through are your crown of glory to help you have understanding and be there for others... it is always about others, not about yourself. Because I care for you.”

Stop (and I am talking to myself when I say this) looking at what you are going through and seeing it as painful. Know that it is there to help others; because God is helping you.

“My child, never despise this beautiful, wonderful, crown of Glory even though the price tag is costly and involves suffering and even judgement from those who don’t yet understand.”

Having paid a great price, I know that there is nothing that can compare to the victory that we receive in our spirit. This victory is the humility and absolute dependence on God that is formed in us... ultimately being totally sold out to God.

What will be able to match seeing my family on our knees before God and knowing that He is our Abba and our only hope? That is the most fantastic place to be... at the feet of Abba. To eat from His hand and to taste the victory in the spirit with Him. There in the spirit you will see Him fighting for you, while He is busy teaching you to fight in His army.

Do I still make mistakes in the learning process of God’s army? Definitely. But I also see how God has already attained the victory and that He is not looking for someone to be perfect, only someone willing to learn and to follow Him unconditionally.

People tell me that I shouldn’t talk about Aldo’s faults. I am sorry, I have to. People want to believe that he is perfect, and then we think that God can only use perfect people – No! Aldo also makes many mistakes, and he also has pain that he has to deal with, but God can still use him as he daily lays down his life at Abba’s feet. There he finds forgiveness, and there he is taught how to deal with rejection and pain. This is also where he learns how to keep doors closed to the enemy by speaking blessings and words of truth and life.

In the spirit we have already overcome so much, because I can see how the blessing brings healing. A part of working through the trauma that Aldo is dealing with, is to bless other people. And the power in those blessings is so tremendously strong that the release from pain can actually be seen on his face. All the honour to Abba, who gave His word to us and gave us all the tools for victory!

Bless your enemy. Bless your children. Bless your husband. Bless and keep on speaking blessing! God smiles as we are obedient to His word. I have learnt that deliverance is not as complicated as we think – just follow God’s word and His love. Love overcomes all evil.

“Retha, what if the enemy reads and learns from what you write on the web? You are saying too much, Retha.” I ask God for more wisdom, “Abba, I need to be wise with what I put out there for the world to see.” But then I realize again, that there is nothing bad in what I write that he can see and use against me. He that lives in me is stronger than he that lives in the world! And we will keep on blessing and not curse!

Stay in the word of God. It is a lamp for your feet so that you can now where to place your next step. Hebrews 4:12 says: For the word of God is living and powerful, and sharper than any two-edged sword, piercing even to the division of soul and spirit, and of joints and marrow, and is a discerner of the thoughts and intents of the heart.

It is going very well with Aldo. The teaching he is receiving of the spirit realm is deep, and God is raising him up for a time where we will need to discern between spirits. I am thankful that we can learn as a family together, and we honour God for this training in the spirit. No road is difficult if you know where it leads –  Jesus has already won the victory!

Aldo’s life is a road that we are thankful to be walking. It takes us on adventures that come from heaven. Abba keeps on telling me: “I am with you. I am teaching you about the deeper dimensions of God. Everything that the enemy plans against you, I will turn around for My honour. I am teaching you, Retha. It is not about Aldo, it is about My Kingdom coming into your lives.”

 I can see how Aldo,s life is only an opportunity for our family to learn and grow together in God’s glory. I am so excited about all the spiritual truths that we are learning, even if I can’t share it with the world yet. I know that this training we are now receiving is the best time of our lives. No university degree can teach what we learn by experience.

Josh went to visit a friend of his who lives in George over the weekend, and he kept on telling us until late at night about how much fun they had, how they played, but also, “Mommy, I didn’t forget to tell Jesus how much I loved Him.”

That is probably the most important thing about walking the road you are on (difficult or easy) – never forget to tell Jesus how much you love Him!

Tinus is steadfast a rock, and together he and I are experiencing how God is removing all the sink sand from our foundation and replacing it with the reliable rock Jesus Christ. Just as the throne of God is built on a foundation of righteousness and justice.

Be blessed in Yeshua’s name. And don’t forget to enjoy the difficult times in your life with Abba!

Retha and the family.

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