14 February 2017
Let’s bow our knees before our Abba Father and worship Him.
Eph 3:13,14 So I ask you not to lose heart [not to faint or become despondent through
fear] at what I am suffering on your behalf. [Rather glory in it] for it is an honor to you.
For this reason [seeing the greatness of this plan by which you are built together in
Christ], I bow my knees before the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.
True worshippers shall worship the Father in Spirit and Truth. I look at the life of Paul and see that he bowed his knees before the Father and worshiped Him. From this place - he was crying out for strength, answers, courage and understanding for himself and the Ephesians that they would not become ‘faint’. We all face times where we become discouraged, or maybe just weary. The enemy wants us to lose our hope. He wants us to ‘lose heart’, or even our passion for the Kingdom. One of Paul’s concerns was that his fellow believers will look at his difficulties and become frightened or discouraged. I think that is one of the reasons he fell on his face and desperately cried out to YHVH.
I read Paul’s letter over and over again and then also went on my knees.
”Abba, please help us all to continue in steadfast prayer. Help us to keep on reaching out for the lost, to keep on making disciples regardless of our trials and tribulations. Help us to endure and not to only look at ourselves and our comfort. Abba, it is so easy to seek You just for our own sake, but today, on my face I declare that we want to STAND in the midst of trials and do what You called us to do. 'I leave my family in Your hands. I choose to obey Your call.”
I believe Paul is trying to tell us that there is more to life than meets the eye. Tribulations of any kind, manifests the Glory of YHVH. In the end, the one who is going through the tribulation - experiences the glory of YHVH! When we continue doing what God called us to do, irrespective of the circumstances, the whole body will experience the glory of God. In this way God YHVH, Himself, is glorified and magnified through our lives. In this we see God’s goodness – all that we suffer and surrender to Him, He uses to strengthen us and then turns it around for His Glory. It produces a great, eternal benefit for us and the whole body of Christ.
Paul worshiped the Father in the midst of all his trials, because he knew without a doubt that what Abba Father called Him to do, He also equipped him to do. It was not a heavy burden.
Paul knew that no matter the difficulties and how many obstacles and trials he faced, the glory of YHVH would be seen on the body of Christ. That is why he said to us – ‘faint not’ - but keep on worshipping the Father in Spirit and Truth!
When we are on our faces, worshipping Abba Father, our hearts become gentle and sensitive to the soft voice of Holy Spirit. From this place He carefully leads us and guides us through the darkness of the trials we are facing.
From this place of intimacy, I have found that Yeshua always gives me perspective and strength. Not only to be able to carry on from battle to battle and trial to trial, but equipping me with strategy and revelation knowledge to carry out YHVH’s plan for our lives.
There, quietly on your face, being seated in heavenly places with Him - you receive a kiss from your Abba. It is a kiss of love, of forgiveness, of hope, of peace - a kiss that gives life! I live for these kisses. This is why it is so important for all of us to maintain an attitude of worship – seeking out and staying in that place of love. This is where the openhearted conversations between Yeshua and myself takes place. In this position, we overcome the onslaughts of the enemy and start walking victoriously in His glory.
Our faith in Yeshua, Jesus Christ, is the driving force of Holy Spirit. He is my best motivator. He motivates me daily to keep on - keeping on!
“Hold on to your faith, Retah.”
The faith of Christ within us is unshakable, it abounds, it conquers and it makes us continuing on!
It is a faith that will continue to believe, believe, believe, because it is faith in YHVH God Himself!
I am sitting at the airport at Johannesburg International, leaving for the USA tonight, the 13th. I know that Abba’s hand is upon my family and myself. Aldo is out of hospital, but his infection is not cleared up yet. But I know that God is with him, I will not be afraid. Chantel is such a blessing to him, helping and supporting him. Josh is busy at school, Tinus is working in Johannesburg, and Mom is flying out in peace - knowing - The King is in control!
Thank you so much for all your prayers and love!
Stay in Him!
Retah and family