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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Going the second mile – walk and do not faint!

Going the second mile – walk and do not faint!

The testing of our faith is not determined by our walk, but by our perseverance in our walk with the Lord.

Perseverance enables us to continue on this walk despite our circumstances and not to grow weary or faint.  As we continue to walk in this way we are also are being stretched in our faith, and it becomes a measure of strength to us.

‘’And when Abram was ninety years old and nine, the LORD appeared to Abram, and said to him, I am the Almighty God; walk before me, and be perfect.’’ Genesis 17:1

What an assurance to know that Yahweh does not expect us to be super spiritual, but He only says to us to ‘’walk before Me.’’ Enoch walked with Yahweh in the same manner, day in day out - his walk with Him was one of total obedience.

I often think about the situations that we find ourselves in.  When our body, soul and spirit are not in line with the Word of God, we often look for an easy way out of that situation.  Yet, there is no easy way out – we have to walk through every circumstance by faith in Yahweh.

To live and walk in Yahweh’s Presence does not depend on the circumstances or the situations in our lives, or whether the conditions are perfect or not - but it only depends on the determination in our hearts to seek the Lord and to set Him before us – night and day.

Once you walk in this way with the Lord, you will begin to realise that the world and the voices of the world begins to fade – because your focus has changed.

It is when we refuse to place our trust in Him alone when we begin to experience inner turmoil

‘’God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear – though the earth be removed, and though the mountains be carried into the midst of the sea;’’ Psalm 46:1-2 

This “freedom from fear” is a gift that Yeshua came to give us all, but it will only be ours, when we partake of the gift of His presence continually.  The beauty of our relationship with Him is the knowledge that no matter what happens, ‘’He will never leave us nor forsake us.’’

‘’Let your conduct be without covetousness, and be content with such things as you have.  For He Himself has said, ‘’I will never leave you nor forsake you.’’  Hebrews 13:5

This truth needs to become a reality in our lives – not just a mere awareness – but an understanding that Yeshua, through His Holy Spirit, is with us all the time.   We can ask Him anything we might want to know, no matter how great or small, and we can depend on His guidance every second of the day. The more we relate to Him in this way, the more dependant we become on Him.

When we are in constant communion with the Holy Spirit – Spirit to spirit – we build a love relationship with Him. A love relationship is built on passion. A longing to be with someone is not forced; and thus Holy Spirit will never force you into a love relationship with Him - it will flow from your desire to be with Him.

For us, our journey of faith has become such a humbling walk because we can depend on no one else except God.  The things that we are taught through Aldo’s pen as Wisdom reveals it to Him is so real, and it is written in such simplicity and without dogma. 

“And said, Assuredly I say to you, unless you are converted, and become as little children, you shall not enter into the kingdom of heaven.’’ Matthew 18:3

How do we possess the Kingdom in our lives?  There is no other way to posses it other than becoming like children and receiving it with child-like faith.

I asked the Lord the other day, ‘’Lord where is Your Glory?’’ He answered me and said, ‘’Retah it is in Me, in Faith in Me, it is all about Me… I have done it all on the cross; all I want you to do is to just walk with Me, and I will let you walk in My fullness - just listen to My voice and I will lead you.’’

We are so busy looking at other people that we take our focus off Yahweh. We have to stop comparing ourselves to others, and start inclining our ears to Yahweh’s voice and to His Word for our lives. 

There are many outsiders looking in that don’t understand the journey God has chosen for my family. Seven years ago, I also wouldn’t have understood a journey like ours.  Yet today I know that Yahweh desires to give His children the fullness of all that He is.

This journey of faith is not only about the destination, but about walking with Yahweh (and getting to know Him) every step of the way. As you walk with Him, He will begin to show you the secrets of His Kingdom and there are many who will not understand this.

‘’Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from Yahweh, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by Yahweh.  These things we also speak, not in words which man’s wisdom teaches but which the Holy Spirit teaches, comparing spiritual things with spiritual.  But the natural man does not receive the things of the Spirit of Yahweh, for they are foolishness to him; nor can he know them, because they are spiritually discerned. But he who is spiritual judges all things, yet he himself is rightly judged by no one.’’ 1 Corinthians 2:12-15

This is why we cannot judge each other – we all have our own unique journey in Yahweh.  When Yahweh called me into ministry He said to me, ‘’Retah, you will not preach what you have not tasted.’’  Today I taste and see that God is good!

There are two cups that we partake of in our faith-walk in Yeshua.  There is a miracle cup, and a cup of suffering. If you ask me, I honestly believe that we cannot experience the fullness of who Yeshua is in us, unless we partake of both.

Our attitude in our walk with Yeshua will manifest in our obedience to Him – just as with Enoch when he walked with Yahweh. Not because Yahweh insists, but because we desire to obey.

Listen closely to these three scriptures:

‘’ If you love me, keep my commandments.’’ John 14:15

 ‘’I and my Father are one’’ John 10:30

‘’Though he were a Son, yet He learned obedience by the things which he suffered;’’ Hebrews 5:8

Yeshua, our Redeemer, was obedient to death, because He was the Son – not because he wanted to become the Son, or in order to become the Son. We also, because of our love for Him lay down our lives. Our hearts become purified as we walk with Him in unity by faith.

‘’Blessed are the pure in heart: for they shall see God.’’ Matthew 5:8

We are purified in our walk with Yahweh through the Blood of the Lamb.  Our lives and the circumstances we face will often show whether we are in the outer court, the inner court or the holy of holies. Very often we want to look at others to see how they are walking their road of faith, but Yeshua said to me, ‘’No Retah,  you just continue  walking with Me – I will guide you, teach you, feed you, love you, and strengthen you by My Holy Spirit.’’

As this road is often very steep, sometimes descending very low, and always very lonely, I refrain from trying to defend myself when others, standing on the sideline, shout and comment about how I am walking. I just continue to bless them – as The One who is walking with me said to me, ‘’Bless them, Retah – they are not walking your walk – just continue to bless them.’’ 

‘’Teach My children what I am teaching you, but remember that it is not your duty to make them understand or believe.’’ 

I answered the Lord, ‘’Lord Yeshua, I ask you for mercy as I am walking by faith. Everything we face and have to go through is so foreign to the world out there.’’  He comforted me and said, ‘’That is why I am using an ordinary family like yours, and an ordinary Mom with her son, to show forth and reveal the secrets of the reality of the Spirit realm. There are many of my children who choose to live in part, and not in the fullness, of who I AM. Life is not about a ‘’bless me club’’, Retah, it is about a faith walk in Me, and you just have to keep on walking, because I am walking with you.’’

We are so excited about the release of Aldo’s new book on the 5th of September.  I truly believe that the spiritual battle we have been going through has been because of the book.  Aldo kept on writing, ‘’it is because the book is going to hurt their (the demonic) kingdom – that is why they are fighting us so fiercely.’’  Yes, indeed it was a huge fight, for three months we fought, night and day!

The enemy needs an entrance gate in order to attack, and I praise the King for revealing to us that they used the trauma gate in Aldo’s life to attack him. Through the blood of the Lamb and the guidance of the Holy Spirit we were able to deal with his inner pain, and he is doing so much better today!

I am leaving for America on the 31st of August, and while I was packing last night Aldo asked, ‘’Mom, don’t you think it is time for me to go with you to America?’’.  

‘’Aldo you know the way we do it in our home – you pray first and wait upon Holy Spirit, and then make decisions,’’ I answered.

Josh turned to Aldo and said ‘’Ask Yeshua if I can come with too?’’  Then Chanz said, ‘’and what about me?’’

Tinus started laughing and said, ‘’This sounds like something important we have to pray about. Let’s pray right now.’’  The whole family huddled together and we started praying. Josh was first, and we soon forgot about the America trip as he went on about thanking Yeshua for the hockey game he played that afternoon and for “life”.

(Photo: Aldo and Chantelle)

As it was already past Aldo’s bed time, he was nearly asleep when it got to be his turn. In the end he just prayed, ‘’Lord bless the people of America.’’

We just continued to thank Yeshua that Aldo is so much better and for our wonderful ‘’walk of life’’ – with Him and for His love.  Oh! How He has change me, how He has formed me, how He has made me to be still and know that He is God.   

Thank you, Most High God, El-Elyon – Elohim – Adonai – ‘’Yeshua, I have no other to run to, but You.’’  Lord, may you bless this trip to America and bless the people of America, and may You alone be glorified in our walk.’’

Love Retah

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