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Writer's pictureRetah McPherson

Do not fear what is ahead

7 April 2020

Now, like never before, it is the time that the hearts of the fathers should turn to the children and the children towards the fathers. We should use this time as a time of bonding and teach our children about the Passover.

While you sit around the table, teach your children how you walked out of Egypt. Tell them about your own personal battles of the ‘will’; how you had to fight the voices of the idols on your inside prompting you to turn back to Egypt and the comforts of its familiarity.  Tell them how you had to walk away from the things of the world – those things that everyone in Egypt finds acceptable. Tell them how God called you to leave these things behind (the way you used to talk, the way you used to dress, the way you entertained people, the things you watched, read and the way you dealt with money). Tell them of your journey of learning to trust Him as your Provider, Healer, Light and Living Water.  

Everybody wants to have life back – wanting things to be like it was.  But nothing will ever be the same.

Our children look towards us for direction in life. In these uncertain times, they look into our eyes and want to see peace, they want to hear words of encouragement and words of faith in God. What do they see and hear?

What foundation are you building in them? Even if you don’t know all the answers, do you teach them to turn to God in prayer, seeking His face, His guidance and Wisdom?

We need to knit our hearts together in this time. Becoming strong and united in the Lord.

I hear the Lord saying, "You are a Priest in My Kingdom – but you allowed your work, your family, your fears, your hobbies, your idols, yourself, your ministry to become your primary goal. You did not unite your heart to Me?"

This year is such a special year. The whole world is shut down over Passover. And all you want is to go back to normal? No, my dear friend, nothing will be ‘normal’ ever again.  We are currently living in a world in turmoil. No one is unaffected by the coronavirus pandemic. Just about everyone's daily routine has been disrupted, and everyone faces uncertainty.

We need to use this time to prepare our hearts to endure. We need to repent and find the place of safety, not only in our homes, but in the cleft of the Rock.  And just like the Israelites, we need to trust in the power of God, following His instructions and not try to figure things out on our own. They trusted and expected God to do something great.

We also do not know what the future holds, but we can take advantage of the time that we have, to reassess our priorities and our values. One thing we do know is that we are His children, and He wants us to mature as sons of God.

Grow spiritually, anchor yourself in His Word, His love and His provision as a good Father.

We sat with Josh and explained to him that not even business will be the same. We could assure him that God has prepared everything and has equipped him so that he will be able to run this race of faith to the end.  We don’t need to fear the unfamiliar.

The world is not the same place it was a few weeks ago, but that is exactly what I saw in my dream. So much fear in people and so much havoc. Everybody just wanted to take up where they left off – returning to how things were. But then I saw another wave and this time it was worse. What if coming out of lockdown and returning to life as it was, is not the end of all this? What if the book of Revelation is playing itself out in our lives?

Have you started to realign yourself and anchor yourself in God? Or will you be thrown off the boat when the next wave comes?  We will not be able to say that we had no time to prepare our hearts.

Use this Pesach time to wait upon Him. Apply the Blood of Jesus Christ on the doorpost of your hearts. Be ready as they were called to be ready with their sandals on their feet, their belts fastened and walking sticks in hand.

Mal 3:7  Even from the days of your fathers you have gone away from my ordinances, and have not kept them. Return unto me, and I will return unto you, saith the LORD of hosts.

Let us create a world with Jesus at the center, infused with meaning and purpose.

Bless you

Retah and family

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