Jesus, I am so, so thirsty.
Come drink from Me, I feed “Eternal Truths.”
I AM above everything and speaks of the highest realm of all! Decide if you want to stay and listen, because to hear My voice for yourself, you need to know that it is necessary for Me to increase, and for you to decrease (to be pruned).
I give you my Spirit without measure, you will not be able to live in Me out of your own works. No, it is not by might, nor by power - only by my Spirit.
Give me a drink, Jesus asks of me.
Me, you mean me, Lord?
Why would you ask me for a drink if you know I have nothing to offer? You are everything I want. Nothing satisfies me except You! I am the one that needs a drink Jesus, I am in desperate need of living water. My soul thirst for You in this dry and weary land where there is no living water.
You've come a long way to realize that if you still thirst for the water in Jacob's well inside of you, you will be thirsty forever. In Christ, Jacob's clever striving has ended.
I am the gift that God wants to give you.
I want the satisfying pleasure of your love and devotion.
Always remember - nothing satisfies Me expect you.
When the sinner drinks from the Saviour, and the Saviour from the sinner - that is when we both get satisfied and become one.
Jesus, please tell me, where can I go to be closer to you? I know, Jerusalem, right?
No, my dear child, the time has come, and it is NOW, that you will worship the Father not in Jerusalem, BUT ONLY IN YOUR HEART. Worshipping Me is not a matter of place, but of an honest heart.
An honest heart?
Yes, tell me... Do you know the One you worship? Or do you only worship out of self-self, me-me, works-works, get-get or do you truly want to be one with me? Or do you worship me out of a double self-life heart?
How does one know You, Jesus?
You mean how does one drink from Me?
How does your heart become one with Me?
You need to decrease so that I can increase.
When self dies, your veils will fall, and you will start to see Me for yourself, hear from Me yourself. No man can live on hearsay. You will adore me in the realm of the spirit and through your life. Is this confusing?
I know, because you never truly heard my voice, you lived on "hear say." Just as I said to the woman at the well, I am saying to you today. This is THE I AM, the anointed one, Jesus Christ speaking to you.
I AM the one you are looking for.
I know everything you have ever done, and still loves you. Do you still love Me?
Yes, let’s give words to that pain of your five husbands and get the shameful pain stones off from your neck. I paid the price for everything!
Can this be? For me?
Immediately I put everything down that kept me so busy.
Listen everyone, please listen --- I found the ONE!
He does not only know everything of my past, but He also lifts my veils so that I can experience Him for myself.
So, tell me then, who is He?
He is Christ revealed in man.
And who are you?
I am no one, only ‘Man in God, and God in man.’
Christ in us, the hope of glory!
Come, meet the One we have been waiting for.
And the people came streaming out of their old ways to see and hear Jesus for themselves.